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Most of us are keen to stay looking as fresh and young as possible, and although there's no way to pause or turn back the clock, there are few age-proof strategies we can employ to make sure we stay looking good. 
Maintaining a healthy and well-balanced diet is one approach, and the good news is that there are some foods that are thought to give you extra ammunition when it comes to combating the signs of aging.

1.      Avocados help fight signs of ageing, and work wonders for your skin and hair. They help lower cholesterol levels, and contain mono-saturated fatty acids that are good for the cardiovascular system.
2.      Berries like blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, goji berries, acai berries, lingonberries contain anti-oxidants that cleanse the body of toxins that cause ageing. They are also a rich source of vitamins and minerals that nourish your skin.
3.      Food like chickpeas, chicken, lean beef and walnuts contain zinc, copper and selenium, required for collagen production. It helps keep your immune system healthy and your skin soft and supple.
4.      Oysters contain zinc and selenium, minerals that act a anti-oxidants and help protect the eyes against disease.
5.      Red cabbage, broccoli and beetroot are natural detoxifiers that eliminate toxins and keep the skin looking fresh and clean.
6.      Salmon contains omega-3 fatty acids that can improve memory and brain functioning.
7.      Tomatoes and carrots contain anti-oxidants, beta carotene and lycopene that protect your skin from sun damage and repair skin cells.
8.      Water-rich food like watermelons, cucumbers and celery are great for hydrating the skin and keeping wrinkles away.
9.      Green tea: There is no end to the benefits of this super drink; green tea boasts a wealth of benefits that earns it the top spot in our anti-aging food list. Green tea is believed to help regulate blood pressure, lower blood sugar, boost the immune system, lower cholesterol and studies have even shown that green tea can be effective at preventing cancer. That's as close to the elixir of life as you can get.
10.  Leafy greens: Whilst eating spinach won't be enough to turn you into Popeye, it's certainly excellent for boosting the body's immunity from illness. Spinach and other leafy foods like kale and collard are high in folate which is vital in preventing DNA and blood vessel damage. If you can maintain a healthy circulatory system you are reducing your risk of developing conditions such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and dementia.
11.  Dark chocolate: Who would have thought this sweet treat would feature in an anti-aging list, but the good news is chocolate can help fight against some signs of aging due to its cocoa content. Cocoa is rich in a group of antioxidants called Flavinoids which help preserve healthy function of the blood vessels. And healthy youthful circulatory system lowers risk of high blood pressure, type II diabetes, kidney disease and dementia. Don't go overboard though, a square a day is a good guide and make sure you go for the over 70 per cent cocoa bars.
12.  Soy products: Like fish, soy products such as tofu are also a great alternative source of protein than red meat or even dairy, since they have little or no saturated fat. A diet that's low in saturated fat will reduce your risk of developing heart disease and lower blood pressure. As a staple part of the Japanese diet, soy products are great at helping keep down cholesterol and are a useful addition to a healthy diet.
13.  Yogurt: Judging from their frequently bad press, you might assume that all forms of bacteria are out to get you. Thankfully, this couldn't be further from the truth. 'Good' bacteria is great for regulating the immune system, by increasing its antibodies and preventing the rise of pathogenic organisms like salmonella and E.coli. Many yoghurts include a high volume of 'good' bacteria that help maintain gut health and diminish the incidence of age-related intestinal illness. Yogurt is also rich in calcium, which can help stave off osteoporosis.
14.  Red wine: A glass of red wine adds up a good dose of anti-aging elements including polyphenol antioxidants, minerals, and resveratrol. Resveratrol which helps to increase 'good cholesterol' levels in the body and prevents blood clotting and a healthy circulatory system. Resveratrol found in red wine may also be beneficial for women during the menopause by reducing the risk for conditions for example breast cancer and osteoporosis that result from reduced oestrogen levels. Like the chocolate, it's not carte blanche to guzzle as much as you want; we suggest a standard glass every other day is a good approach.

15. Water: Few people — whether active or not — drink sufficient water, and side effects of even slight dehydration include headaches, fatigue and low concentration levels. Yet increasing fluid intake can increase energy levels, aid digestion, give skin a boost and help boost your anti-aging armoury. Concentrate on drinking little and often throughout the day, being extra vigilant after exercise or when you've been confined in a dry, overheated or air-conditioned environment.

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You already know that nutrients like fiber, protein, and monounsaturated fats are necessary to sustain long-term health. Here are the best ways to add 8 of these super nutrients to your diet so that you can optimize your weight-loss progress.

1.      Monounsaturated fats: Replacing carbohydrates in your diet with monounsaturated fats will help you slim down by shuttling fat away from your midsection.

Where to get it: Avocados, Macadamia nuts, and olive oil are great sources of monounsaturated fats. They also come packaged with great nutrients such as antioxidants (in olive oil), fiber (in avocado), and B-vitamins (in macadamia nuts).

2.      EGCG: EGCG or Epigallocatechin gallate is an antioxidant found in green tea (and put in most weight-loss supplements available today). EGCG can increase thermogenesis or heat production through extra calorie burning and the use of stored fat as energy. Some research also shows that EGCG can stop the growth of new fat cells.

Where to get it: The greatest weight loss effects of EGCG are seen when combined with caffeine, as it naturally occurs in green tea.

3.      Raspberry ketones: Raspberry ketones are an antioxidant found in raspberries that preliminary research shows have some interesting fat loss effects. Raspberry ketones can increase the production of the muscle-energizing, fat-burning hormone adiponectin as well as directly increasing the burning of stored fat.

Where to get it: You can't come close to getting enough raspberry ketones via eating raspberries so to reap these benefits you'll need to take a concentrated raspberry ketone supplement (they are inexpensive and available at more health food stores). Keep an eye out for more about raspberry ketones and weight loss as new research gets published.

4.      Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): Docosahexaenoic acid or DHA is one of the two omega-3 fats found in oily fish like salmon. DHA can stop growth of young fat cells and actually causes them to die, says research published in the Journal of Nutrition.

Where to get it: To get more DHA in your diet, you can eat more oily fish or just take a fish oil supplement. If you are a vegetarian, pick up an algae-based DHA supplement to reap the same benefits.

5.      Acetic acid: Vinegar, a dilute form of acetic acid, has potent glucose-lowering effects. One study in Italy found that when participants added just more than1 tablespoon of vinegar to their meal (as salad dressing) they experienced a 30 percent decrease in their post-meal blood sugar levels. Controlling blood sugar remains an essential component to weight loss and maintaining a lean body.

Where to get it: Adding vinegar to salads should be standard protocol, but if you can manage to find chocolate balsamic vinegar, it makes an excellent addition to a protein-packed chocolate smoothie.

6.      Protein: Protein from lean sources like beef, poultry, fish, dairy, or soy are weight loss rock stars. The amino acids that make up protein cause your body to release the fat burning and energy-stabilizing hormone glucagon. The process of  digesting protein also stimulates your body to release the satiety hormone CCK. This one-two punch combined with the fact that it takes your body more energy to digest and breakdown protein compared to carbohydrates or fat makes it a must-    have at every meal throughout your day.

Where to get it: The possibilities are endless, but lean proteins like Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, and organic grilled chicken strips are especially convenient.

7.      Caffeine: Caffeine is one of the most potent weight loss compounds available to you each and every day. Caffeine blocks the breakdown of a compound call camp, which is responsible for mobilizing stored fats so they can be burned as energy.

Where to get it: If you are looking for a bigger fat-burning boost, then make sure to choose black tea over green tea or light roast coffee over dark roast for a larger dose of caffeine.

8.                  Fiber: Fiber is often touted to be a great nutrient for weight loss because it slows down digestion, allowing for sustained energy and stable blood sugar. However fiber can also optimize hormones released during digestion that are responsible for feelings of hunger and satiety.

Where to get it: Try to get your fiber in its raw form instead of from foods that have been overly processed. The processing of fiber can change its chemical make-up, which can decrease its effectiveness at promoting satiety or lowering cholesterol. Next time you have the choice between oatmeal and cereal made from baked oat crisps, opt for regular oatmeal.

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As your pregnancy began there was nothing you could do to stop your body changing as your little one grew inside you. From your breasts growing and changing shape, to your ankles swelling and, of course, you baby bump. Now that you have your bundle of joy in your arms, you may feel you want to regain your pre-pregnancy body.

Don't panic, mums! Losing pregnancy weight needn't be the challenge you think it is. The important thing is not to rush into changing your body - after all, it's taken nine months to look this way. Use these seven tips to get you started in your post-pregnancy body goals.

Breastfeed to lose baby weight
Some women are uncertain about the idea of breastfeeding; about people seeing, what it could do to their breasts, or perhaps it seems unnatural to them. But breast milk is considered the way forward. Not only is it exactly what your baby needs, readily available and free, but the best news is that it can help you shed the baby weight, as mums naturally burn calories to produce breast milk every time they breastfeed.

Zumba for new mums
Zumba combines Latin dance, pumping music and aerobic routines to help you trim down and tone up. Zumba is an excellent full body workout which really burns the calories; up to 500 an hour in fact. Not only do you lose weight but it's also a great time to de-stress; exercise releases endorphins so you'll leave feeling more relaxed - the perfect state for a new mum. It's also a time to socialise, as women of all ages can enjoy the classes. Take an hour out of your parenting schedule and join the Zumba craze.

Eat your way to a better post-pregnancy body
It's the same whether you want to lose your holiday weight or whether you're trying to get rid of your post-birth bump; what you eat affects your weight. During the pregnancy you should aim to eat healthily to keep your body and your baby's development in top shape. But the same applies after the birth. While it may be tempting to save time by eating fast food, this won't do you any favours in losing the baby weight or keeping you energised. Keep wholegrain, fruit, vegetable, lean meat, fish and water intakes topped up and try to maintain the pregnancy rules of no alcohol and limited caffeine.

Jog or power walk with your newborn
Jogging or power walking are not only excellent ways to keep fit but they also aid weight loss; roughly each mile the average person will burn around 100 calories. But what's better is that you can take your baby with you in their pram. This provides your little one with some fresh air and change of scenery, while you're able to slot in some calorie burning. Head to your local park and be a yummy mummy lunging and power walking your way to a slimmer body. Look out for prams designed for this kind of activity, called jogging prams, which are streamlined and designed not to topple.

Swim your way to a better post-pregnancy figure
Straight after the birth, it's not advisable to jump headfirst into an intense weight loss plan. Firstly, you won't have the energy, and secondly, you won't have the time - even if you did, it would come at the expense of your health and baby's care. Ease into weight loss by swimming, which is gentle enough on your tired body (it's been through so much!) but targets the areas you want to tone, such as thighs and stomach. The peaceful atmosphere of the pool is a great time to relax and release some stress, but you could also try water aerobics to exert your body further.

Sleep your way to a better post-pregnancy figure
As a new mum you will be sleep deprived and have an unusual sleep pattern, so it's natural for your body to crave more food (usually of the sugary or fatty variety) to give you the energy boost you desire. Aim to sleep every time your baby does rather than using the time to do chores, as lack of sleep can slow down your metabolism, increase appetite and makes you more likely to give in to your cravings. Furthermore, lack of sleep can increase stress levels, which can contribute to weight gain.

Relax your way to a post-pregnancy body
Perhaps the most important thing on this list is to remind new mums that putting pressure on yourself to snap back into your pre-baby body will do more harm than good. As mentioned, it's taken time for your body to change, so it won't revert back overnight. Feeling self-conscious about your tummy is natural, but stress can in fact hinder weight loss, particularly in that area. The body responds to stress by releasing sugars into your bloodstream, which are stored as excess fat if they are not used as energy. Focus on your breathing and do one thing at a time to minimise stress.

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Yoga is a popular form of exercise and stress buster around the world.

Apart from its meditative properties, this form of exercise can help you get rid of your extra kilos. Let’s have a look at some postures that are perfect for weight loss.

Yoga Marches

The Yoga march can be an effective warm-up exercise to kick-start your workout regime. You can begin by placing your arms in a jogging position post which, you can slowly begin the march in the same place you’re standing. Eventually, you must try and bring your legs to a higher level. This exercise increases your heart rate and is also effective on your legs.


Hal, which stands for a plough in Sanskrit, is the shape that the body takes when the Halasana is done. You may begin by lying down on a yoga mat followed by taking your legs in the upward direction till they hit the 90-degree angle. Now slowly push your legs in the backward direction towards your head or take someone’s assistance to do so. Exhale and you can return back to the normal position.


As the name suggests, while performing this asana, your body will take the shape of a triangle. In order to begin, take your leg and place it at a maximum distance in the left direction. You may now move the toe of your left foot facing the left hand side and inhale. Bend the left leg from the knee and now exhale. The position of your left palm should be next to the toe of the left foot. The final step would be to take your right hand straight up, touching the ear. You can breathe normally now. This asana is beneficial for the waist area of your body.

The stomach will be the area that primarily takes the weight while performing this asana. To begin with it, lie down on a yoga mat on your stomach with your chin touching the ground. Bend both your legs and keep them away at a considerable distance holding them firmly from the ankle. Now inhale and exhale pulling the legs in the upward direction. The body must be stretched and the neck pushed backwards. Make sure you do not jerk any part of the neck or back.

Practicing these asanas on a regular basis can aid weight loss. In case you are unsure of the accurate way of doing these postures, you must consult an expert so as not to cause any physical injury to your body.

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Trick 1: Start from within
If you wake up looking pale and puffy instead of fabulous and fresh, it might be time to revaluate your eating plan. As much as you’re sick of hearing that ‘you are what you eat’ (because you’re a human being, not a jam sandwich), it’s true that healthy eating leads to a healthier appearance. Your body really does reflect what you eat and if you’re eating healthily your eyes will be brighter, your hair shinier, and your complexion will glow. Drink lots of water, get plenty of exercise, and eat a well balanced diet with plenty of fresh fruit and veg to compliment your complexion and boost your body’s beauty.

Trick 2: Stock up on dry shampoo
Dry shampoo has got to be the best invention for busy mums since pushchairs and potties. Instead of going through the rigmarole of washing, drying, and styling your hair, dry shampoo allows you to go from untamed to good-to-go in less than 10 seconds. Simply spray a small amount through the roots of your hair, rub it in, and voila – your hair is feeling fresh and looking fab.

Trick 3: Buff away dead skin
This is a super quick trick that will transform your skin from dry and dull to bright and beautiful in two minutes. Simply keep a good exfoliator – or some olive oil mixed with sugar, for a homemade option – in the bathroom to scrub your skin with during your bath or shower. This will remove all the dead skin cells that sit on top of your skin making it look dull. Lather a layer of moisturiser on afterwards and show off your enviable smooth skin.

Trick 4: Take the time to tan
Subtle, sun-kissed skin can make you look and feel healthier and sexier, and it evens out skin tone too. Use a gradual tanner to build a light, even tan that you’re happy with and top up every couple of days depending on how dark you’d like it to be. Make sure you wear tanning mitts to avoid tell-tale orange hands as the tan develops.

Trick 5: Use key beauty products

Beauty products that have more than one purpose allow us to cut corners without sacrificing how we look, which is great news for busy mums. For example, some nail varnishes on the market strengthen your nails as well as providing great colour, whilst blemish balm (or BB cream) moisturises, evens skin tone, and usually contains sun protection too. If you want to compliment your complexion without spending lots of time on it, just wash your face and apply blemish balm for moisturising coverage that won’t clog your pores. Once you’ve mastered a beautiful, natural complexion, add a slick of lip-gloss or tinted balm, and a dash of mascara if you fancy some eyelash va-va-voom. Well hello there yummy mummy!


Trick 6: Speak to your stylist

A good haircut can dramatically reduce the amount of time it takes to get ready in the morning and to maintain your look throughout the day. Be honest with your stylist about how much time you have to style your hair and they should be able to give some advice on which is the best cut for you. Shoulder length hair tends to be the most low-maintenance style as you can sweep it into a ponytail on a bad hair day.


Trick 7: Pre-book your beauty appointments

In between giving the little ones their breakfast, doing the grocery shop, changing nappies, and serving tea, mums have little time to pamper themselves. Before you know it, those once groomed eyebrows and lovely locks have turned into a mono-brow and a bunch of unsightly split ends. To prevent this from happening, make sure you book your treatments at the beauty salon in advance – this way you’re less likely to keep putting it off. Of course there will be the odd time you’ll need to cancel, but if you can keep it up as much as possible, you’ll feel like a much happier, more beautiful mummy.

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For Dandruff

  • Massage the Scalp with pure coconut oil. This will also help growth of hair.

  • Apply coconut oil which has been boiled with small onions for about 20 minutes. Wash it off with a mixture of green gram powder and water drained from cooked (boiled) rice.

  • Apply a mixture of almond oil and gooseberry juice with finger tips on the scalp.

  • Apply the warm mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and coconut oil. Do a steam -towel- wrap for 15 minutes and wash the hair with a mild shampoo.

  • Apply a paste of fenugreek and mustard to the scalp.

  • Mix Shikakai powder with the water drained from the cooked rice and wash the hair with it.

  • Crush  the leaves of five petal hibiscus flower and take the juice. Wash the hair with this juice.

  • Heat oil with a little camphor. Apply the oil in the scalp and massage for 10 minutes. After 30 minutes wash the hair with a herbal shampoo. Do the steam -towel- wrap for 15 minutes.

For Healthy and Shiny hair

  • It is better to apply castor oil for a healthy growth of hair.

  • Wash hair with tea once in a week.

  • Apply besan in the hair and wash it with water drained from the cooked rice.
  • Soak a handful of gooseberries in a cup of milk for two hours. Make a paste and apply on the hair.

  • Apply the mixture of an egg white, 2 spoons of castor oil, 1 spoon glycerin, in the scalp and hair. Wash it after some time.

  • Massage hair with warm coconut oil an hour before washing. Let it soak. Cover your head with a hot towel and wash your hair after an hour or so. 

  • Boil a few hibiscus flowers in coconut oil. Filter and use this hair oil to control hair loss and thinning.

  • Do a 'steam-towel-wrap' once in a while, if your cuticles are damaged, as this steaming opens out the pores and absorbs the oil.

  • Soak 1 teaspoon fenugreek in curd and keep it for a night. Apply it in the next morning.

  • Boil coconut oil with the juices of curry leaves, basil, hibiscus flower and gooseberry. Apply on hair, keep it for sometime and rinse.

  • Take a cup each coconut and mustard oil. Soak half a cup of curry leaves in the oil mixture and keep it for a night. Next morning, heat on a slow fire till the curry leaves turn crisp. Remove from heat and add two to three camphor balls. Allow oil to cool and then strain. Apply oil to hair roots using cotton wool along the parting and massage in circular movements. Leave the oil overnight and shampoo the next morning. Repeat twice a week.

  • Add a lemon peel to a 'shikakai' and 'amla' mixture while washing your hair.

For Graying

  • Take a little Mehandi , an egg, juice of  half a lemon, one table spoon of instant coffee powder. Mix it together and apply on the hair. Wash it after 45 minutes.

  • Boil one cup of dried gooseberry with 4 cups of water. Add a pinch of sugar in it. Keep boiling till the quantity of the liquid reduces to one cup. Mix 2 cups of Mehendi, an egg, juice of a lemon and the gooseberry solution and apply on hair. Wash the hair after two hours.

Natural Conditioners

  • Henna is a herbal treatment with good conditioning abilities.

  • Egg white is a good conditioner for hair.

  • Deep condition with curd, beer and egg.

  • Mix a little vinegar in warm water and rinse your hair with this solution. This will add bounce to dull and lifeless hair.

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  • Brush your hair regularly before going to bed each night.
  • Wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Use very little but enough to cover hair completely with lather. Use a conditioner to keep hair manageable.
  • Avoid brushing wet hair. This will cause the hair to stretch and finally break. Finger-dry, or use a wide-toothed comb instead of a brush to gently remove the knots.
  • Restrict blow-drying your hair. The process of blow-drying is harsh on hair as it robs it of moisture.
  • Avoid dyes. Use mehandi (henna) instead as a conditioner and colouring agent.
  • Take a calcium supplement or drink two glasses of milk a day.
  • Always hold hair dryer away from your hair. Direct air from the hair dryer down hair shaft and not directly into the roots and keep it moving.
  • After a perm, never brush your hair. Instead comb hair gently.
  • Trim your hair once in 7 weeks  to avoid split ends.
  • Avoid pulling back your hair tightly.
  • Never use a rubber band on your hair as it can pull and damage hair considerably.
  • Never go out in the sun without having your head covered.
  • Stimulate circulation by massaging your head with oil to which some vitamin E has been added. This will make hair soft and silky.
  • Never wash your hair with very hot or very cold water.
  • Learn to relax. Hair loss can happen because of stress. Eat foods that are rich in vitamin B, C and E.
  • Add iron and minerals in the natural form in your diet.
  • If your hair is oily, cut down on fried food and fat. Drink plenty of water.

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Hot Oil Treatment

This treatment is used for dull, dry falling hair. There is no harmful side effect in this treatment. It can be considered as a dandruff treatment also.

Equipments, Implements and Materials

1.      Any bowl for heating oil
2.      Vibrating massager
3.      Tail comb
4.      Oil
5.      Camphor
6.      Cotton
7.      Shampoo


  • Warm some oil with camphor
  • Using Vibratory massager, remove the flakes of dandruff present in the scalp
  • Using cotton, apply the warm oil to the scalp taking sections of hair
  • Massages the head for 10 minutes.
  • Steam the hair for 5 minutes massaging simultaneously
  • Wash the hair using shampoo and dry the hair 

It is a Herbal treatment for the hair which has been followed for centuries. It has curative as well as conditioning abilities. Specially prepared henna is used in the treatment of falling hair and dandruff.


Henna powder                                    -           1 1/2 cup
Amla (goose berry) powder    -           1 tsp
Egg                                          -           1
Coffee powder                                    -           1 1/2 tsp
Tea leaf                                   -           1 1/2 tsp
Lemon                                     -           1
Curd                                        -           1/2 cup
Oil                                           -           10 drops


Mix the ingredients well, except egg. Keep the mixture for at least 12 hours. Then add one egg and apply on the hair using hair brush taking sections from the top of  the head. Wash the hair after one hour. Clean the hair well using shampoo and then dry hair.

Advantages of henna

  • Removes and prevents Dandruff
  • Promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss
  • Conditions the hair
  • Promotes the health of the hair by keeping the scalp healthy
  • Adds luster to the hair
  • Has a cooling and soothing effect on the scalp
For more Hair treatments clickhere

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Everyone's had itchy scalp or dandruff at some time or another. Dandruff is the presence of small white flakes usually appearing on the scalp and the hair. It is known by medical term "pityriasis" which is most commonly found in people between the ages of 12 and 80. The direct cause of dandruff is the excessive shedding of outermost cells. The indirect causes are

1.      Poor blood circulation
2.      Improper diet
3.      Un-cleanliness
4.      Use of strong shampoo
5.      Insufficient rinsing of hair after shampooing

Types of Dandruff

1.      Dry type
2.      Greasy or waxy type

Cause for dry dandruff

1.      Poor blood circulation
2.      Lack of nerve stimulation
3.      Emotional disturbance
4.      Glandular disturbance
5.      Not producing sufficient oil

Treatment of dry dandruff

  • Scalp treatment (ozone treatment)
  • Herbal shampoo
  • Hot oil therapy
  • Use of antiseptic lotion
  • Henna treatment
Waxy type dandruff is mixed with sebum which makes the scalp itchy. If the scales are torn off, bleeding or oozing may occur.


The best thing to do is to keep the scalp clean, and do oil massage twice in a week.

Herbal Treatment

  • Massage scalp with essential oils like rosemary, cedar, lemon and eucalyptus to reduce flaking itchiness of the scalp.
  • 'Methi' seeds are also helpful in fighting dandruff. Soak them overnight, grind the next morning, mix in the juice of neem leaves and apply on the scalp .
  • In half cup of olive oil, put a small amount of camphor warm it lightly and apply to the scalp parting the hair straight and give a circular massage for the entire scalp.
  • Avoid fatty foods and red meat.
For more herbal Hair care tips click here

Graying of Hair

Causes :- The colour of the hair depends on the presence of pigment granules in the cortex of the hair. With age there is a gradual dilution of pigment in the hair, so that in different hairs the full range of colours from normal to white can be found.

Grey hair can some times appear earlier. Rapid graying of hair may occur after severe emotional stress. In certain internal diseases hair might gray early. This is especially true of diseases of the thyroid gland and certain types of anemia's. Localised patches of gray hair can appear in certain areas. Perming, colouring and bleaching work to promote graying.

Cure :- The usual and the most effective way of dealing with graying of hair is dyeing it. There are several types of dyes available. The oxidative dyes are the most versatile and the most frequently used. But dyeing has its drawbacks- once you start dyeing it is seen to increase gray hairs. Henna is also used because apart from its safety, it is a superb conditioner. Having calcium pantothenate in the dose of 200 mg daily is a good treatment.

Split Ends

Causes :- The most common causes of spilt ends are; use of heated appliances (Hair dryers) and chemical processing (like using dies), using the wrong type of brush and comb and general neglect.

Cure :- Since hair grows 1.25 cm. a month, a trim of 6.3 cm. every five weeks should suffice.  Switching to a wide -toothed, non-metal comb or brush with a padded base and widely spaced bristles to prevent getting trapped at the base of the brush. Avoiding the hottest temperature setting on your hair dryer. Using a conditioning treatment on the ends of hair.

Dull Hair

Causes :- In healthy hair, the cuticle lies flat and reflects the light. Harsh chemicals and environment assaults can cause healthy hair to become rough and damaged, spoiling the reflective surface. The cause of dull hair is a build-up left by styling products or the conditioning agent that two-in-one products contain. Some times an illness, like flue releases toxins from the body through the sebaceous glands in the scalp, coating the hair, eventually leading to listless hair.

Cure :- The most important rule is to keep your hair clean. It is better to follow a well- balanced diet -protein and iron are essential for shiny hair, as is vitamin C.

Dry Hair

Causes :- The main reason for dry hair is the over use of heated appliances, perming, colouring, bleaching, incorrect use of products and environmental damage.

Cure :- Switch to a shampoo and a rinse-out conditioner for dry hair. Don't apply conditioner to the roots, it will leave hair heavy and limp. At least once or twice a week, use a deep conditioning treatment to re-moisturise. Alternatively, you can rub hair oil between your palm and then massage it into dry areas. Avoid rollers and tight elastic bands on the brittle hair as they may cause it to break.

Hair Loss

It is quite natural to lose about fifty to hundred a day. More than this amount of hair loss could result from any one of a number of factors and may be cause for concern.

Causes :- Daily repetition of certain hairstyles, like hair tightly pulled back, braided or wrapped around rollers can pull out individual hairs. Such pulling can damage and destroy follicles completely and the hair will not grow back.Emotional stress may bring on  alppecia areata, a disorder that results in bald patches on the scalp and may be associated with changes in the immune system. Emotional stress can also cause hair to fall from parts of the scalp. Body stress is also known to cause excessive hair loss. Hair loss can result from pregnancy or begin when a woman stop taking birth control pills.

Cure :- It is better to see a trichologist if handfuls of hair fall out after shampooing. For mild hair loss, use products that tone and invigorate the scalp and stimulate the growth. Scalping massage is good, which aside from being relaxing and reducing stress levels, loosens and stimulates the scalp and promotes healthy hair growth.

Most hair loss is temporary, but when the follicles are destroyed by serious scalp burns, excessive exposure to x-rays, or vital infection, hair loss can be permanent.

Dry Scalp

Causes :- It may or may not be a cause of dandruff

Cure :- Dry scalp can be controlled by using a very gentle shampoo and intensive conditioner regularly.

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